Casey Basketball Association
Terms & Conditions


1. I will abide by the Basketball Victoria Codes of Conduct and Policies, available here.

2. I will abide by the Casey Basketball Association By-Laws, available here.

3. As the participant or parent of participant, I agree, for my child or myself to attend Casey Basketball Association development programs, competitions or events that may be held at the Casey Stadium, Timbarra Community Stadium, Berwick Indoor Sports Centre, Hillcrest Christian College, Beaconhills College (Berwick Campus), Berwick College or any other venue that may be utilised by the Casey Basketball Association.

4. I permit the staff of Casey Basketball Association to act on my behalf should my child, myself or any person directly or indirectly involved in any Casey Basketball Association competition, program or event require medical attention, and hereby release Casey Basketball Association from any liability should my child, myself or any person directly or indirectly involved in any Casey Basketball Association competition or program be injured during the course of the development program, competition or event.

5. I give permission to Casey Basketball Association for photographs and video to be taken of my child and myself.
5a. This only applies to the individual registered to the team. For example, if an adult is registered in a senior team, photos/videos can only be taken of the adult and not of their child. However, if an adult is registering their child in a team, this gives permission for photos/videos to be taken of their child.
5b. This gives permission to only authorised staff members of the Casey Basketball Association to take photos/videos. It does not give permission to the everyday person to take photos, that is covered under the Basketball Victoria policy.
5c. If you do not wish to have photography taken at your games, you can email through your information and Casey Basketball will ensure official photography is not taken at your games. If a photographer is at your games, you can speak to them and request they do not take photos at your game.

6. I give permission to Casey Basketball Association to use any photographs or videos taken at its programs, competitions or events in their marketing material.

7. I agree to receive marketing materials sent to my email address. Marketing materials may promote both the Casey Basketball Association and its’ sponsors.
7a. Information will not be passed onto third parties.

8. Please refer to our refund policy for all concerns regarding refunds here: 

9. As the team contact, I agree, it is my responsibility to notify our players of the playing times and any tribunal reports.

10. I agree to abide by the Sport & Recreation Victoria Fair Play Codes of Conduct, available here

11. Casey Basketball is a cashless organisation. This is due to COVID-19.

12. Casey Basketball Merchandise promotional vouchers that are distributed as part of the 2025 NBL1 Season Membership Promotion ($10 vouchers for all junior members), expire at the conclusion of the 2025 NBL1 South Home & Away Season.

13. Clubs that are invited to participate in any competitions, program, or tournament (including the South Eastern Junior Basketball Tournament – SEJBT), accept the invitation, and register teams on behalf of their club, are liable to pay full team registration fees prior to the registration cut off date of the competition, program, or tournament. Failure to make this payment on time will result in those teams being removed from the competition, program or tournament.

14. By checking the box “Terms & Conditions” on the team/individual registration form, I agree to follow the above terms and conditions.